Sunday 4 June 2017

Buying Guide of a CPU Cooler

Every hardware in our computer system produces heat. This heat can hit peak level when CPU is loaded with heavy software or other multimedia pressings. It is important that the heat is absorbed to maintain a proper level of heat in your computer system to prevent overheating. The CPU is the most important part of your computer system; it should be protected from overheating for a better performance. It can be done by using a CPU Cooler. It is also known as processor cooler and air cooler. So here are some tips regarding air cooler for commercial purposes.
In older computers, there was an aluminum heat sink to absorb the heat. A fan also attached to it. This fan was used to throw the heat away out of the computer casing. Nowadays, computers are faster and generate more heat, so two or three fans are used to get required temperature.  Especially when you are doing multitasking fro whole day, then it is needed to cool down the system.
Now the development of multiprocessors is more than the past, so consider this fact when buying a CPU Cooler. It is because now more cores are developed under single chip, which causes the increase in heat.

There are many other factors except normal activities which cause your CPU to heat up. For example, dust is the main reason for heat. It can affect the working of heat sink and fans. The fans cannot work at their best because dust spreads on them.  So it is always advised that you should clean your system regularly. Poor airflow is another reason for overheating. If the air is not expelled properly, then the hot air stays in the casing which causes heat at a very high level. There should be equilibrium between air flows. The air expelled from the casing should be equal to air absorbed from the surroundings. In this case, cooling fans can be useful because they maintain proper air flow.
The following points should be considered when buying a best CPU Cooler.

1: Noise

Many coolers have great cooling power, but at the same time they make so much noise. This noise irritates the user and he cannot work properly. So buy one which makes less noise and has good cooling quality.

2: Heat absorption

These cooler consists of some cooling fans and heat sinks of different metals. These metals play very important role in heat absorption. For example, copper absorbs heat better than aluminum.  On the other hand, copper is heavier than aluminum. So keep this point in mind. Also check the reviews of the users regarding performance.

3: Static pressure

Static pressure indicates the capability of a fan for throwing in the air between the gaps of heat sinks. It is measured in mm H2O or mm Hg.

4: Air flow

As mentioned above, the air flow plays a very important role in cooling down systems. Always go with which has better measurements of air flow. We measure it in CFM, the higher the CFM it has, the better results it will provide.

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